Winter's Tears

Grampa died today,

And it's one of the saddest days I know.

It's only early October,

Yet the ground is covered in snow.

With one gust of a whirling wind,

And a fluttering of snow,

Mother Nature took hold of Grampa's hand,

And said it's time to go.

Too early this year

She passed, into her Wintery death.

Amidst green-leafed trees, and grounds of golden leaves,

Lay a white blanket of snow.

And it is the saddest day, I know.

Four days only, before our yearly thanks,

Autumn still should show on the river banks.

Yet instead it's cold and solemnly white,

For Grampa's journey and final flight.

And it's the saddest night of nights.

As I think of you and write these words,

I did not think you would leave so soon. 

I thought you still had many moons,

And there was time to say good-bye,

I love you and thank-you Grampa. Good-bye.

As Frost says in his Wintery poem:

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep...”

And now dear Grampa, you sleep, you sleep.

~ Tascheleia Marangoni ~

Written for my Grandfather "Grampa" upon his death, with deepest love and affection.