Feature Artists

Natasha Harvey


I am an artist and art educator. I graduated from UBC Okanagan with a

Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and from UBC Vancouver with a Bachelor’s Degree in

Education. Pushing paint with a brush, knife or hand is an experience that has always

filled my life and always will.

When I was 5, my very English Grandmother handed me a paint brush. It was

the best way to start a long love of painting. We would have tea and painting sessions

in her garden where we explored realistic landscapes in oil and watercolour paint. From

her, I learned to represent the world around me realistically. Currently I’m working with

acrylic paint and collage. My paintings are purely abstract, while my collage pieces use

an existing image as a starting point. Both mediums breathe depending on how I’m

feeling at the time. As I study the visceral world of paint and surface in my education

and life, I have discovered that the process of painting is as important as the completed

work of art. The paint is given a voice. The energy of the medium, expressed in drips

and puddles, springs to life without the intervention of a brush or knife. As a result, my

work is neither controlled or contrived.

In my mixed media works, collage is a key element. I feel that the use of an

existing image allows me to build upon and change it’s meaning or context completely.

The image can dictate the feel or theme of the painting; however, I also search for

images that will complete the visual and contextual puzzle. My love of “retro irony” is

evident through out my work. By this, I mean my innate love of the 1960’s combined

with a contemporary aesthetic and context. Inspiration flows from daily life, from nature,

popular culture, fantasy, billboards and a variety of current interests and experiences.


Sarah Parsons


Sarah began her Artists' journey in her late twenties, and began painting on canvas in 2008.

Since then, her enjoyment of acrylic painting has evolved into a love affair with mixed media on wood.

Sarah loves fresh air and quiet moments with nature, enjoying snowshoeing and kayaking.

The beautiful swirling landscapes of the Okanagan Valley, are a great inspiration for Sarah's paintings and drawings.

Sarah loves animals, and is a passionate Vegan. Many of her paintings depict animal characters with a special fondness for Pigs.


Sara Gagnon


Born and raised in Kelowna, British Columbia, artist Sara Gagnon interprets her love for God's creation through her visual art. Sara finds inspiration at home, in the beautiful Okanagan, and abroad from her many world travels. Sara is also a two time national award winner of the Robert Bateman Art Contest. In addition to creating, Sara teaches art classes for beginning artists of all ages.


Annabel Stanley


Annabel Stanley was born and brought up in England. She left school in the early 80’s and went on to study Horticulture at Merrist Wood Horticultural College near Guildford, Surrey. She worked her practicum at Pepiniere Meunier (a plant nursery) in The Loire Valley, France. Moving to London she trained to be a Florist at Veevers Carter Flowers in Chelsea and spent the next 4 years serving high profile clientele such as Harrods, Tiffany’s the Jewelers, and Estee Lauder, along with decorating the Christmas tree for the Duke and Duchess of York at Buckingham Palace.

Annabel, Grant and their son Francis relocated to the Okanagan in 2003 and Grant became the winemaker for Quails Gate Estate Winery for the next decade. They are now partners in a new winery called 50th Parallel of which Grant is the winemaker. They purchased their own vineyard in 2005, Coyote Vineyard, which is a source for her weaving materials. She has continued with her art, holding several exhibitions and sharing her passion and knowledge with local schools and local groups of artists, including Cool Arts which is dedicated to providing fine arts to adults with developmental disabilities.

Her influences have been willow artist Serena de la Hay and environmental sculptor Andrew Goldsworthy. She has also studied with Peter Faulkner, a coracle builder (hazel and hide small lightweight boats), learning new styles of weaving with Martha Cloudsley from BC and trained in willow sculpture with Julieann Worrall Hood in Wiltshire England.

Annabel has always had her feet planted firmly in the soil as her hands reach up into the branches of the trees and she loves to share this passion with young minds, getting them outdoors and appreciating and creating with nature.


Tascheleia Marangoni


Tascheleia Marangoni is a Professional Dancer & Artist who resides in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.

Her life long passion is for the Arts and Culture. With her Father born and raised in Northern Italy, and her Mother's family of Scottish decent, Tascheleia grew up with an eclectic ethnic mix, developing an interest in cultures of the world early on.

She began her studies in dance at the age of 3, and boasts over 35 years of training and experience as an instructor, choreographer, performer, and producer of dance from over twenty genres, including classical dance styles, and cultural dance, focusing on her passion for Dance Ethnology.

Tascheleia was also influenced by the arts early on in life as her Father had a life long passion for painting, his favourite medium - oils. To this day, the smell of oils, the feel of canvas, the perfection of a mere paint brush, puts a smile on her face. Tascheleia has taken a variety of classes over the years, including art history, sketching, oils, and acrylics. She has studied Calligraphy since she was a child, and does work as a professional Calligraphy. She has also done a wide variety of work as a Muralist, and continues to this day. Undoubtedly, as an artist however, her favourite activity is to paint! As a Mixed Media Artist, Tascheleia works with acrylics, oils, inks, charcoal, and various other materials. She also does some work as a writer, and enjoys playing with photography.

Bringing these passions together is very exciting for Tascheleia, which is why her focus as a Professional Dancer & Artist is almost always on dance & culture. Bringing these things together to create Worldbeat Dance, Arts & Wellness is her dream come true, and her life's work. To create a space for Dance, Arts, and Culture, and opportunities for others to participate in and benefit from this dream.

Tascheleia is also the Founding Director for PMDA: Perinatal Mood Disorder Awareness Ltd., a Non-profit organization that helps Canadian Moms & Families affected by Postpartum Depression and Perinatal Mood Disroders. Tascheleia runs this Organizaiton as a volunteer, and it has had wide reaching, positive affects across the country since 2010. In 2012 Tascheleia was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II DIamond Jubliee Medal, for her work as an Advocate for Mental Health.


Maria Bayford

Shannon Wilson

Denise Wandt

Carrie Dewhurst